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Samsung motherboard machine simple chassis appearance display

Mobile Mainboard Machine Mobile Farm

This docking station features 20 phone positions, supporting the entire device or its mainboard. The circuit board supports USB data transmission and LAN access. It is equipped with 24 5V power supply lines with 2P ports. There are 3 super-strong cooling fans. The docking station has a 200W 40A power supply with 110V-220V input.

Dimensions: 32 * 22 * 13cm

The material is metal insulation, with a black exterior.

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Mobile Mainboard Machine Mobile Farm

This docking station features 20 phone positions, supporting the entire device or its mainboard. The circuit board supports USB data transmission and LAN access. It is equipped with 24 5V power supply lines with 2P ports. There are 3 super-strong cooling fans. The docking station has a 200W 40A power supply with 110V-220V input.

Dimensions: 32 * 22 * 13cm

The material is metal insulation, with a black exterior.

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